I like writing code and thinking about the future.
My core interests are machine learning, AI alignment, global existential risk and the power of exponential tech. I currently work as a Machine Learning Engineer for the Visual AI Platform team at Canva in Vienna. In my spare time I am also building codeatlas.dev, a codebase visualisation tool.
Reach out to me at {my first name} @ weidenholz.dev.
Viewquakes approximately in chronological order
- WaitButWhy articles on Superintelligence, the Fermi Paradox, cryonics & brain-machine interfaces
- Nick Bostrom’s writing on Superintelligence, The Fable of the Dragon Tyrant, the simulation argument and the Vulnerable World Hypothesis
- Discovering Sam Harris’s Waking Up/Making Sense podcast & starting to meditate
- Scott Alexander’s Meditations on Moloch, Unsong and slatestarcodex in general
- Playing Outer Wilds with my brother - the Nomai are my posthuman role-models
- Reading Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
- Connor Leahy’s AGI Fire Alarm talk
- The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect
- Eliezer Yudkowsky’s Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality, which is the book J.K. Rowling should have written
- Sitting my first-ever Vipassana retreat in 2023
Other things I like
- Podcasts & my noise-cancelling headphones
- Walter Moers
- Obsidian
- Anki
- Version control
- Hollow Knight & Subnautica
- Philosophy & history
- Film & video-game music
- Boardgames
- The design of Sam Roelants’s blog, which this page is based on
- Lists